Enjoy Seattle's Finest Fresh Seafood for $25 Off!

Refunds & Returns

Please read our conditions if your order arrives late or spoiled.

  • Once your item leaves our store, we cannot accept returns for any reason.
  • If your order arrives spoiled or if you received the wrong product, you have 14 days from when you received your order to notify us of a refund or reship. Please note that we may ask for photo evidence of temperature taken of the  product ( if claiming product arrived warm) or photos of incorrect product. 
  • If you choose to freeze your fish upon receipt to enjoy in the coming months, the order still follows under our original 14 day policy.
  • Pre Order's for Copper River placed before May 20th, are not subject to refunds for price changes. Pre-Order prices ensures that you get 1st and 2nd run.  
  • If order in question is placed during the month of December, notice of refund must be received by January 3rd or follow our 14 day policy depending on delivery date.
  • Delivery to businesses is at shippers own risk.
  • If asking for Friday delivery please make sure your order is going to a residential address.
  • Refunds will be given back on original form of payment.
  • Refunds cannot be given for shipments that do not make it to the recipient due to a bad address provided by the customer. 

  • Gift Card Refunds: If you order was purchased with a gift card and a refund is needed, refund will go back onto the gift card.

 For our shipping policies, please click here. For your questions & inquiries, you can call us at:

 1-800-392-3474 or 206-622-5765