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What Rocks about Rock Fish?

What Rocks about Rock Fish?

Photo Credit John Foxx/Stockbyte/Getty Images

Rock Fish is in season this month!

Rock Fish comes primarily from the Pacific Ocean, where they thrive at deep depths. All types of rockfish provide a low calorie protein.

Rockfish fillets have a firm texture that holds up quite nice in soups and stews. They also work well sautéed, baked, steamed or fried.

Did you know that Potassium helps prevent high blood pressure? Rockfish provides 696 milligrams of potassium in a 5 ounce serving. Not only is Rockfish a rich source of Potassium but it also contains 46% of our daily value of Vitamin D, and a lack of vitamin D may lead to weak bones and osteoporosis due to your body being unable to absorb and use calcium! No good. Rock Fish is also packed with 85% protein, which is an essential nutrient for promoting a strong immune system and maintaining muscle mass.

Our buddies over at Livestrong.com have a fantastic recipe for you to indulge in – all you need is some fresh lemon, olive oil, your favorite spices and perhaps some almonds. Check it out here Baked Rockfish with Lemon.

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