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For all things Fresh Seafood, cooking inspiration, and more!

  How to store

Fresh Halibut will keep in your fridge for 2-3 days. To prolong the shelf-ife of your Halibut, freeze it—it will keep in your freezer for six months.





If you choose to freeze your fish for longer than two months, overwrap the original packaging with airtight aluminum foil, plastic wrap, or freezer paper, or place the package inside a heavy-duty freezer bag to prevent freezer burn.

Cooking Tips

  • Baking: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Portion and arrange halibut steaks or fillets on a well-oiled or buttered baking dish; baste the fish halfway through the cook time.
  • Broiling: Preheat your broiler. Cut fish into pieces of even thickness, baste (butter, margarine, or oil), sprinkle with corn flake crumbs, and place on a broiling pan. Surface of the Halibut should 3-4 inches from the broiler. Broil 10-15 minutes until Halibut flakes easily with a fork—if the fish is opaque, it is half way cooked. It will be a solid color when it is finished.
  • Pan Frying: Cut Halibut into serving-sized pieces and season to taste. Dip Halibut pieces into milk or beaten egg, then roll in flour. Meanwhile, heat oil or butter in a skillet until very hot and then carefully place Halibut pieces into skillet until golden brown. TIP: don't place too many pieces of fish in the oil as it will reduce the overall temperature too much.
  • Poaching: Heat seasoned water or fish stock to approximately 180-190 degrees and place the fish in the liquid. Cover the fish entirely and poach until desired doneness—but do not boil the fish.

For more recipes ideas, visit our recipe index here.

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